Tue, Dec 01, 2015

Winter newsletter:
Kidney and Bladder meridian
Winter is the time for the kidney and bladder Meridian. It’s a time of the year for hibernation, to relax, and restore. These meridians are responsible for filtering waste and elimination of toxins and restoring and maintaining essence in the body. Essence Is what keeps our bodies young. A person with a strong Kidney essence ages very well, and may look younger than their age. A person who does not take care of their essence will look more aged and will show a decline in health. Some ways to restore and prevent essence from declining, and to prevent the look of aging are:
1. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, eating seasonally, mostly organic and locally.
2. Getting adequate rest and sleep (6-8 hours)
3. Meditation daily
4. Regular acupuncture treatments (at least 1x per month)
5. Drinking water (half of your body weight in ounces)
6. Exercise regularly (at least 3x per week for 20 min daily)

- Sit with legs crossed in a quiet comfortable safe space
- Close your eyes
- Bring the finger pads of your pinkies to the finger pads of your thumbs and rest your palms facing down on your knees with pinkie pads and thumbs touching still
- Take in 5 deep full lung breaths breathing in your nose and out your mouth
- Now take your thumbs and pinkies and link them behind your back with the rest of your fingers pointing to the floor
- Rub and massage your low back with the sides of thumbs where your kidneys would be rubbing up and down across the low back keeping your thumbs and pinkies linked.
- Massage while taking 5 deep breaths.
Your kidney and bladder meridians run along your front and backside and store essence in your low back. Doing this Qi gong practice/meditation daily will help with back pain, anxiety, mental focus, urination imbalances, and help to maintain essence. Remember this exercise after shoveling snow!
Some foods that can strengthen the Bladder and kidney meridians and essence:
Sesame seeds
Bone marrow
The kidney and bladder meridians control the emotions of fear. Fear can be a normal emotion. But when fear and shock become prolonged they can scatter and tax the kidney and bladder Qi meridians. Especially during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, It’s important to maintain a healthy balance in the meridians so that emotions will not affect your physical health and well being.
Want to look younger than your age in 2016? Schedule an acupuncture appointment today to balance and improve your kidney essence!