Sun, July 7, 2019

Enjoy our weekly wellness tip from Licensed Acupuncturist, Michael Savalli, from the office of Elizabeth Martin.

 Luo Han Guo (Monk Fruit) Tea

The line between food and medicine is not always clear.  Here is a spectacular recipe for a summertime tea that is both refreshing, and very healing.  There are only 3 ingredients, but they might be hard to find.  I recommend an Asian grocer, or if that doesn’t work, you can also find these ingredients online.  (Amazon is a good place.)  The main benefits of this tea are that it lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.  It also regulates blood glucose, aids digestion, and cools summertime heat.  

Ingredients are as follows: (to be rinsed, then boiled for 30 minutes in 1 gallon of water.)

Luo Han Guo (Monk Fruit) – Clears heat from summer, and is a natural sweetener made of antioxidants, not sugar.  So no calories, and safe for diabetics.  Aids in recovery from illness, sore throat, and constipation.  Use 1 whole fruit.  Break into pieces and put them all, including shell, into the water.

Shan Zha (Hawthorn Berry) – ½ cup.  Lowers cholesterol and blood lipids.  Aids in digestion, and relieves diarrhea.

Jue Ming Zi (Cassia Seed) – ¼ cup.  Aids constipation and bowel movements.  Clears heat from the body.  Reduces hypertension.

Medicinal qualities aside, this makes for a refreshing, slightly sweet and cooling beverage.  After boiling for ½ hour, strain out the debris and let it cool.  It can be kept in the refrigerator and enjoyed anytime.  You can drink it warm too, so in the colder months, you can keep getting the beneficial effects.

Meet Michael Savalli, MSOM, L.Ac

Michael is a board certified NY State Licensed Acupuncturist, who received his Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from New York College of Health Professions.  While in this program, he also specialized in Chinese Herbal Medicine. If you or anyone you know is interested in staying healthy this season, schedule your appointment and learn how Acupuncture and herbs can boost your immunity. 


Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
Group Meditation

Sound healing is a form of meditation that is performed in a group where you lay on a yoga mat and let the sound transport you. 
Sound healing has many benefits including:

  • reducing stress and anxiety
  • improves circulation
  • deepens relaxation
  • increases mental & emotional clarity. 
  • restores balance

Vibrational sound healing can be traced back from present-day trends to many ancient civilizations including India, Africa, Europe, and the Orient. The idea is to restore balance to the chakra system and clearing the blocked energy within ourselves. Sound healing is similar to reiki healing; It is a form of energy healing that allows your body to self-regulate and self heal.

Let the sounds vibrate through you to feel the power of self-preservation and healing.
Limited Availability | Register on Eventbrite


We Sell Products

To enhance your healthy lifestyle experience we sell all forms of Chinese herbal linaments, to pain patches and liquids that help the pain, enhance healing, and promote wellness. Each product has been carefully selected and tested. We only sell high-quality medicinal grade products. Ask your practitioner what products would be right for you!


Nature is FULL of healthy solutions.

With Love,


Elizabeth M. Martin, MSOM, L.Ac, LMT and the Staff at Hands on Acupuncture and Massage Therapy, P.C.

Hands On Acupuncture & Massage Therapy P.C
1239 N. Country Road, Suite 3, Stony Brook, NY 11790