Mon, Apr 20, 2020

Enjoy our weekly wellness tip from Licensed Acupuncturist, Michael Savalli, from the office of Elizabeth Martin.
Moving Our Body shows effects on our health. In order to boost our body’s immune system, we must maintain a free flow of vital life force energy- Qi in our body. A simple way to do this is by practicing Qi Gong. Qi is life force energy or metabolism, and Gong means practice. So Translation is Qi Practice.
When I was training to become a Qi Gong Practitioner in China Town, with my Master. It had to be one of the weirdest things I had ever experienced. I remember doing the moves and hearing the breath and noises and thinking, did I just join a religious cult? But no, I stuck with it because I noticed after awhile the lasting shifts in my increased energy and improved mood. You see our energy is meant to be vital and forceful and free-flowing, if there is any sort of interruption in it, there is sickness.
You need to take responsibility for your own body’s healing. Here is a great article written by my friend and colleague. Michael Savalli, MSOM L.Ac
Simple, But Effective Exercises from TCM
TCM offers some special exercises that when done regularly, have tremendous effects on your health. Under the categories of TaiChi and QiGong, we have hundreds, if not thousands of exercises that promote balance, mental focus, coordination, and strength. They also combat the negative effects associated with diseases such as Heart disease, Cancer, COPD, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Diabetes, with little to no side-effects. They are “low-impact”, with little risk of injury, and don’t require a lot of equipment, or a lot of space.
TaiChi is a martial art, its moves are based on self-defense. It is usually slow and fluid in movement, though this varies among its many styles. It is great for building health and focusing the mind, and often called, “Meditation in Motion.” However, since it’s moves are more complicated, and generally need more space, I will leave its discussion for another time. I encourage you to search Google or YouTube for examples of TaiChi, and if you decide you want to learn it’s details, contact a professional instructor. QiGong, however, is much more simple to begin. You can start it right away with the help of some online videos. If you want more information about the health benefits of these exercises, there are many studies online. Simply google, “QiGong and ___,” adding in whichever diseases you want to know about.
As I said, there are many styles of QiGong. Its first use as a health practice is called “the Five Animal Frolics,” (Wu Qin Xi.) Legend has it, that during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), the renowned physician Hua Tuo was called in to treat an area suffering an epidemic. He noticed, that the areas worst hit, were those near areas of stagnant, non-flowing water. This triggered the idea to him, that stagnation leads to disease, and movement can help treat and prevent it. Furthermore, he noticed the movements of the animals in this area, and that they managed to avoid illness. So, he devised an exercise that mimicked the movement of these animals, as a means of maintaining strength and vitality. Hence, the “Five Animal Frolics.”
This exercise too has many variations. You will also notice, there are 5 Animals, just like 5 elements, and 5 yin organs. The Tiger movements strengthen the Liver, the Deer for the kidney the Bear for Spleen, the Monkey for Heart, and the Crane for lungs. It can be confusing for a beginner, so try this 10 minute YouTube video to start:
Follow along the best you can. Don’t worry about being perfect, just try to picture moving like these animals. These can be done by people of any age or ability, even while seated. Doing these movements each day, is playful, fun, and effective. Over time, they will greatly benefit your health.

5 Elements to Freedom Self Care Course
In this self-study course, you learn about the elements of Chinese Medicine and how to diagnose and treat your own energetic imbalances.

Virtual Acu-Pressure Sessions Available
When you cannot get into the office Acu-Pressure can be just as effective as acupuncture and insurance may cover! You will learn locations of custom acu-pressure points and will be guided through meditations. Liz has been practicing Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Medical Qi Gong, and massage since 2012 and is committed to educating her patients on ways to stay healthy and prevent disease through self care techniques.
Book Online

Meet Michael Savalli, MSOM, L.Ac
Michael is a board certified NY State Licensed Acupuncturist, who received his Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from New York College of Health Professions. While in this program, he also specialized in Chinese Herbal Medicine. If you or anyone you know is interested in staying healthy this season, schedule your appointment and learn how Acupuncture and herbs can boost your immunity.
Click to learn more about Michael Savalli, MSOM, L.Ac
Book a Tai Chi Class CLICK HERE
5 Element Qi Gong Exercises:
When we learn to balance all 5 of the elements within the body, we are in harmony. i hope you learn to incorporate Qi Gong into your life.

With Love,
Elizabeth M. Martin, MSOM, L.Ac, LMT and the Staff at Hands on Acupuncture and Massage Therapy, P.C.

Hands On Acupuncture & Massage Therapy P.C
1239 N. Country Road, Suite 3, Stony Brook, NY 11790