Mon, Dec 2, 2019

Enjoy our weekly wellness tip from Licensed Acupuncturist, Michael Savalli, from the office of Elizabeth Martin.

Benefits of Bone Broth

Last week we spoke about organ meats, this week we will speak about bones.  Bones are a very nutrient-dense portion of animals.  By boiling them in water, or vinegar, we can release these nutrients for consumption.  Also, by getting the most from this underutilized source of nutrition, we reduce waste and its negative environmental impact.  Read on to see if bone broth is right for you.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, winter is the most yin time of year.  It is associated with the Kidneys and the bones; the bones being the deepest, most yin layer of the body.  That makes winter an excellent time to supplement for bone health, as our qi-energy rests in this utmost yin layer.  Just like eating organ meats gives nutrients to our organs, having Bone Broth supplements our bones and connective tissue.

The nutrients it includes are many.  Although, that can vary widely depending on the types of bone used, so look for quality.  General benefits include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A and K, fatty acids, selenium, and zinc.  Also, consuming these nutrients in broth form makes these easier for your body to absorb.  The gelatin in the bones may help joint strength and counter osteoarthritis.  It has anti-inflammatory amino acids, which build protein and aid in digestive problems from inflamed bowels such as the leaky gut.  Lastly, it can benefit sleep and weight-loss.

There are also many kinds of bone broth out there.  It shouldn’t be difficult to find one for you.  There are cuisine quality broths, for cooking.  As well as powders you can add to your smoothie.  There are encapsulated powders also.  Plus you could always cook your own.  It can be a dietary supplement or a warm and hearty meal.  Hopefully, now you see the benefits of supplementing with Bone Broth.  Take care!

Meet Michael Savalli, MSOM, L.Ac

Michael is a board certified NY State Licensed Acupuncturist, who received his Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from New York College of Health Professions.  While in this program, he also specialized in Chinese Herbal Medicine. If you or anyone you know is interested in staying healthy this season, schedule your appointment and learn how Acupuncture and herbs can boost your immunity. 


Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
Group Meditation

Sound healing is a form of meditation that is performed in a group where you lay on a yoga mat and let the sound transport you. 
Sound healing has many benefits including:

  • reducing stress and anxiety
  • improves circulation
  • deepens relaxation
  • increases mental & emotional clarity. 
  • restores balance

Vibrational sound healing can be traced back from present-day trends to many ancient civilizations including India, Africa, Europe, and the Orient. The idea is to restore balance to the chakra system and clearing the blocked energy within ourselves. Sound healing is similar to reiki healing; It is a form of energy healing that allows your body to self-regulate and self heal.

Let the sounds vibrate through you to feel the power of self-preservation and healing.
Limited Availability | Register on Eventbrite


We Sell Products

To enhance your healthy lifestyle experience we sell all forms of Chinese herbal linaments, to pain patches and liquids that help the pain, enhance healing, and promote wellness. Each product has been carefully selected and tested. We only sell high-quality medicinal grade products. Ask your practitioner what products would be right for you!


Remember, supplements aren’t meant to be a quick fix, but a long practice.

With Love,


Elizabeth M. Martin, MSOM, L.Ac, LMT and the Staff at Hands on Acupuncture and Massage Therapy, P.C.

Hands On Acupuncture & Massage Therapy P.C
1239 N. Country Road, Suite 3, Stony Brook, NY 11790